Source code for salishsea_cmd.api

#  Copyright 2013 – present by the SalishSeaCast Project Contributors
#  and The University of British Columbia
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""SalishSeaCast NEMO Command Processor API

Application programming interface for the SalishSeaCast NEMO command
Provides Python function interfaces to command processor sub-commands
for use in other sub-command processor modules,
and by other software.
import logging
import os
import subprocess

import cliff.commandmanager
import yaml
from nemo_cmd import combine as combine_plugin
from nemo_cmd import deflate as deflate_plugin
from nemo_cmd import gather as gather_plugin

from salishsea_cmd import prepare as prepare_plugin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s")

[docs] def combine(run_desc_file): """Run the NEMO :program:`rebuild_nemo` tool for each set of per-processor results files. The output of :program:`rebuild_nemo` for each file set is logged at the INFO level. :param run_desc_file: File path/name of the run description YAML file. :type run_desc_file: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ return combine_plugin.combine(run_desc_file)
[docs] def deflate(filepaths, max_concurrent_jobs): """Deflate variables in each of the netCDF files in filepaths using Lempel-Ziv compression. Converts files to netCDF-4 format. The deflated file replaces the original file. :param sequence filepaths: Paths/names of files to be deflated. :param int max_concurrent_jobs: Maximum number of concurrent deflation processes allowed. """ return deflate_plugin.deflate(filepaths, max_concurrent_jobs)
[docs] def gather(results_dir): """Move all of the files and directories from the present working directory into results_dir. If results_dir doesn't exist, create it. Delete any symbolic links so that the present working directory is empty. :param results_dir: Path of the directory into which to store the run results. :type results_dir: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ return gather_plugin.gather(results_dir)
[docs] def prepare(run_desc_file, nocheck_init=False): """Prepare a SalishSeaCast NEMO run. A UUID named temporary run directory is created and symbolic links are created in the directory to the files and directories specifed to run NEMO. The output of :command:`hg parents` is recorded in the directory for the NEMO-code and NEMO-forcing repos that the symlinks point to. The path to the run directory is returned. :param run_desc_file: File path/name of the YAML run description file. :type run_desc_file: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` :arg nocheck_init: Suppress initial condition link check the default is to check :type nocheck_init: boolean :returns: Path of the temporary run directory :rtype: :py:class:`pathlib.Path` """ return prepare_plugin.prepare(run_desc_file, nocheck_init)
[docs] def run_description( config_name="SalishSea", run_id=None, walltime=None, mpi_decomposition="8x18", NEMO_code_config=None, XIOS_code=None, forcing_path=None, runs_dir=None, forcing=None, init_conditions=None, namelists=None, ): """Return a SalishSeaCast NEMO run description dict template. Value may be passed for the keyword arguments to set the value of the corresponding items. Otherwise, the returned run description dict that must be updated by assignment statements to provide those values. .. note:: The value of the :kbd:`['forcing']['atmospheric']` item is set to :file:`/results/forcing/atmospheric/GEM2.5/operational/` which is appropriate for runs on :kbd:`salish`, but needs to be changed for runs on WestGrid. :arg str config_name: NEMO configuration name to use for the run. :arg str run_id: Job identifier that appears in the :command:`qstat` listing. :arg str walltime: Wall-clock time requested for the run. :arg str mpi_decomposition: MPI decomposition to use for the run. :arg str NEMO_code_config: Absolute path to the :file:`CONFIG/` directory where the NEMO configurations are to be found. :arg str XIOS_code: Path to the :file:`XIOS/` directory where the XIOS executable for the run are to be found. If a relative path is used it will start from the current directory. :arg str forcing_path: Path to the :file:`NEMO-forcing/` directory where the netCDF files for the grid coordinates, bathymetry, initial conditions, open boundary conditions, etc. are found. If a relative path is used it will start from the current directory. :arg str runs_dir: Path to the directory where run directories will be created. If a relative path is used it will start from the current directory. :arg dict forcing: Forcing link data structure. The default of :py:obj:`None` produces "sensible defaults" for NEMO-3.4, but :py:obj:`None` for NEMO-3.6. See the :ref:`RunDescriptionFileStructure` docs for the version of NEMO that you are using for details of the data structure. :arg str init_conditions: Name of sub-directory in :file:`NEMO-forcing/` where initial conditions files are to be found, or the path to and name of a restart file. If a relative path is used for a restart file it will start from the current directory. :arg dict namelists: Namelists data structure. The default of :py:obj:`None` produces "sensible defaults" for a physics-only run for both NEMO-3.4, annd NEMO-3.6. See the :ref:`RunDescriptionFileStructure` docs for the version of NEMO that you are using for details of the data structure. """ run_description = { "config_name": config_name, "MPI decomposition": mpi_decomposition, "run_id": run_id, "walltime": walltime, "paths": { "NEMO code config": NEMO_code_config, "XIOS": XIOS_code, "forcing": forcing_path, "runs directory": runs_dir, }, "grid": { "coordinates": "", "bathymetry": "", }, "forcing": forcing, "output": {"files": "iodef.xml"}, } if namelists is None: run_description["namelists"] = { "namelist_cfg": [ "namelist.time", "namelist.domain", "namelist.surface", "namelist.lateral", "namelist.bottom", "namelist.tracer", "namelist.dynamics", "namelist.vertical", "namelist.compute", ] } else: run_description["namelists"] = namelists run_description["output"] = { "domain": "domain_def.xml", "fields": None, "separate XIOS server": True, "XIOS servers": 1, } if NEMO_code_config is not None: run_description["output"]["fields"] = os.path.join( NEMO_code_config, "SHARED/field_def.xml" ) return run_description
[docs] def run_in_subprocess(run_id, run_desc, results_dir): """Execute `salishsea run` in a subprocess. :arg str run_id: Job identifier that appears in the :command:`qstat` listing. A temporary run description YAML file is created with the name :file:`{run_id}_subprocess_run.yaml`. :arg dict run_desc: Run description data structure that will be written to the temporary YAML file. :arg results_dir: Directory to store results into. :type results_dir: str """ yaml_file = f"{run_id}_subprocess_run.yaml" with open(yaml_file, "wt") as f: yaml.dump(run_desc, f, default_flow_style=False) cmd = ["salishsea", "run"] cmd.extend([yaml_file, results_dir]) try: output = subprocess.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True ) for line in output.splitlines(): if line: except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.error(f"subprocess {cmd} failed with return code {e.returncode}") for line in e.output.splitlines(): if line: log.error(line) os.unlink(yaml_file)
def _run_subcommand(app, app_args, argv): """Run a sub-command with argv as arguments via its plug-in interface. Based on :py:meth:``. :arg app: Application instance invoking the command. :type app: :py:class:`` :arg app_args: Application arguments. :type app_args: :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` :arg argv: Sub-command arguments. :type argv: list """ command_manager = cliff.commandmanager.CommandManager( "", convert_underscores=False ) try: subcommand = command_manager.find_command(argv) except ValueError as err: if app_args.debug: raise else: log.error(err) return 2 cmd_factory, cmd_name, sub_argv = subcommand cmd = cmd_factory(app, app_args) try: cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(cmd_name) parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(sub_argv) result = cmd.take_action(parsed_args) except Exception as err: result = 1 if app_args.debug: log.exception(err) else: log.error(err) return result